Scalp Micropigmentation hair loss treatments are usually completed over 3 separate sessions. If you want optimal results, plan on doing 2 to 3 sessions. You can do it in 2 sessions, but we think 3 sessions are most likely the best for the majority of clients. If a company tries to sell you on 1 session, they are not technicians, they are salesmen, so RUN.
Each sessions approximate time is shown below in the boxes. Depending on the extent of your hair loss, hairline shape and other factors, such as hair transplant scars, sessions range from 3 to 5 hours.
Sessions should be spaced 10 to 30 days apart. Not all clients heal at the same rate. If scabs persist then we should wait a little longer than the 10 days to ensure a success.

A 4th session may be required if you have alopecia, scarring, excessively dry, flaky skin; damaged or highly sensitive skin may necessitate extra time and care. In addition, extremely thick skin might also require extra treatment time; the thicker the skin, the more pressure is needed in order for the needles to penetrate through to the deeper layers.
By gradually increasing the color and density over all 3 sessions, we can create the illusion of texture. Plus, the client can continue to give feedback throughout the entire SMP process. This is the best way to produce the most optimal results.