SMP Care Instructions

Do Your Part!

Please follow the aftercare scalp micropigmentation instructions below. Clients often underestimate the importance of these SMP Precare and Aftercare Instructions. The skin is full of tiny punctures and avoiding color loss is the objective for the best SMP healed results.

SMP Precare Instructions

Please follow the Precare instructions to prepare your scalp for optimal results.

Hair Preparation –

One week before your initial appointment, moisturize your scalp 3 to 4 times a day in the areas that will be pigmented. This will ensure your scalp is in the best possible condition and hydrated which will allow the pigment to be properly absorbed. If your skin is oily then do not moisturize. Too much oil in the skin is just as bad as the skin being too dry.

One week before change to a gentle, non-abrasive shampoo.  

Shave your head with a razor blade 2 or 3 days before your procedure or If you use clippers choose a size #0 guard the day of your procedure.

Do Not use a razor on your scalp within 24 hours of the scheduled procedure. It is critical that we see all natural hair in order to properly blend the hair follicles. 

Do Not take Fish Oil or Aspirin 1 week before unless prescribed by a doctor.

Do Not tan. Avoid direct sunlight to avoid burning and peeling of the skin.  

Do Not drink alcohol or consume drugs 48 hours before your procedure. 

Do Not wear any hair pieces the week before.  

SMP Aftercare Instructions

Redness and irritation are normal for 1 to 3 days.

A tiny wound is created in the skin when each microdot of pigment is applied. A scab heals over the wound, and eventually falls away. The scabbing process typically is 5 to 7 days, but for some it can last up to 14 days.

Do Not peel or pick at scabs. Let it fall off by itself. Do Not wet the scab to help it come off. Picking and pulling off skin that is not ready to be removed or come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue.   

Do Not touch or rub the procedure area. Bacteria lives on the surface of your skin and can enter into your bloodstream and cause a bacterial infection. Keep It Clean! 

Do Not expose the area to full pressure of the shower for at least 10 days. You do not want the water to beat on the pigmented area. The water will cause swelling and moisture and remove the scabs. 

Do Not expose the procedure to direct sunlight. It can have an impact on the color and size of the replicated hair follicles. 

Do Not apply styling products for at least 10 days. 

Do Not use anything on your scalp that contains alcohol 10 days. 

Do Not do any strenuous activity for a minimum of 10 days. You want to avoid sweating and swelling at all costs. Increased blood pressure and dilated blood vessels increases swelling and oozing. Sweat will expand your pores and this swells the tissues and allows the body to absorb more of the ink pigment. If you exercise and or sweat you can expect your results to fade significantly. Swelling and sweat fades ink! 

Day 1-4


Take ibuprofen or your favorite pain reliever to reduce swelling and discomfort.

You may wear a hat outside, but it must be clean and loose-fitting. If you do wear a hat in the healing process you must allow the scalp to breathe properly so remove the hat every 30 minutes for the first 3 days.

Do Not use shampoo, water or soap. 

Do Not sweat! No gym, No weight lifting, No cardio, No running.

Do Not shave the head


Day 5-6

You can take a light shower, light water pressure, and gently shampoo your scalp. Pat dry, do not rub.

You can sweat lightly. No gym, No weight lifting, No cardio, No running.

Do Not shave the head.  


Day 7-9

There still may be scabs on your scalp. Apply moisturizer 2+ daily to prevent dryness and flaky skin. If you have oily skin then skip this step.

You can sweat lightly. No gym, No weight lifting, No cardio, No running.

Do Not shave the head.  


Day 10+

This is the time you are probably considering shaving your head. Be careful of any scabs that might still be on your scalp. Only use an electric razor. You should wait 30 days before using a razor blade.


Note:  Return to your normal regiment with the exceptions below:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 14 days.
  • Avoid saunas, chlorine pools, beach or salt water for 30 days.
  • Avoid swimming in fresh, salt, or chlorinated water for 30 days.

Aftercare Instructions (Long Term)

Do use sunscreen. Look for a water resistant, broad-spectrum coverage with an SPF of at least 30 on a daily basis to help preserve your color. The ultraviolet rays from the sun may damage the SMP pigments if no sunscreen is used over the course of many months or years. The end result would be fading and the need for a touch up.  

Do Not use tanning beds. They can fade your SMP.


It is very unlikely that you will have an adverse reaction to SMP. Excessive redness, excessive swelling, purulent drainage and or pain is radiating beyond the site of the tattoo, then it can be a sign of infection.

If you experience any itching, swelling, blistering or any other complications post procedure. Please contact a medical provider first, and the call us, if you think you may have a possible infection.  


Fever is a symptom of an underlying condition, which is most often an infection. Please contact a medical provider first, and then call us, if you think you may have a possible infection.