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  • Things to expect from Scalp Micropigmentation after five years


    Scalp Micropigmentation is considered to be the sole solution to hair thinning and hair loss. This treatment is found to give guaranteed results. The pigments are injected into the skin in the form of tiny dots that mimic the emerging follicles of hair. This treatment persists for several years till the time the individual’s body […]

  • Early Signs of Male Pattern Baldness


    Does male pattern baldness run in your family? Are you worried about developing male pattern baldness just like your grandfather or dad? If you think that male pattern baldness will only develop when you are in your mid 40s or 50s, you are wrong. Two-thirds of Americans start witnessing signs of male pattern baldness as […]

  • Disadvantages of Hair Loss Treatments


    This article only explores the disadvantages, and not the advantages of Hair loss treatments. Hair transplant surgery The most expensive solution. Costs typically ranges from $4,000 to $40,000 depending on who the surgeon is. Incredibly invasive, involves scarring, the removing of strips of skin or plugs of skin. Can be painful for many patients. Downtime […]

  • Is SMP The Best Solution for you?


    Is Scalp Micropigmentation the best solution for you? A wide range of hair loss solutions are available for people who suffer hair loss for one reason or another. There are also benefits using one of, or a combination of hair loss treatments. With all the hair loss solutions to choose from, the most suitable treatment […]